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2nd Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Industry Fresh Graduate Support Scheme: /application_companies/
Interested companies are encouraged to read the “Guideline for Company Applicants” thoroughly before submitting applications.
Interested companies should download the application form from the link above and return the completed form together with other required documents to the Organizer via email: yoyokwan@hkdea.org by 15 March 2016 (17:00). Applications submitted via other channels and late applications will not be further processed.
A Vetting Committee to be formed and will review the applications based on the relevance of business nature of applying companies to the Support Scheme and their track record, as well as the effectiveness of the training programme to be provided by the applying companies to the graduate employee(s) under the Support Scheme as outlined in the application form.
Successful companies will be notified of the application result (hereafter referred to as “Employing companies”) together with a user password for accessing the online platform of the Support Scheme at the Scheme website. The online platform will allow employing companies to post information on their job vacancies that could be offered under the Support Scheme and to review the applying graduates’ CV and e-portfolio.
The monthly subsidy to be provided by the Support Scheme to Employing Companies for each graduate employee will be reimbursed to the companies on quarterly basis upon presentation of proof of employment.
Application Deadline : 15 March 2016 (17:00)
Notes to Company
The subsidy will not constitute more than 50% of the monthly salary and the employers have to comply with the Statutory Minimum Wage requirement and offer a competitive market rate for salary when employing the graduate employee
If pre-employment interview with applying graduate is needed, it should be arranged by the employing companies with the applying graduates directly.
Employing companies should inform the Organizer within two weeks after they have successfully employed the applying graduate(s) (hereafrer referred to as “graduate employee(s)”) for the Organizer to arrange release of subsidy upon the graduate employee(s) reported duty.
In case of termination of employment by either the Employing Company or the graduate employee, reasons for the termination and the effective date should be provided by the Employing Company to the Organizer in writing within 1 month after the employment is terminated.